Our Giving Model

So Many Reasons to Give
The Alberni Valley Community Foundation operates on a simple yet powerful idea: giving today creates a brighter tomorrow. By pooling donations into an enduring community fund, we ensure sustainable support for the people and projects that shape our community’s future.
Community Gratitude: Legacy giving is a way to give back to the community that supported your success and ensure its continued well-being.
Support for Causes You Value: Your gift can sustain causes that matter most to you, such as education, the arts, the environment, or social programs.
Lasting Legacy: Establishing bursaries, scholarships, or endowments creates a meaningful, enduring impact for future generations.
Tax Advantages: Charitable giving through your estate can provide significant tax savings, benefiting both your family and your community.
AVCF Expertise: With decades of experience, local focus, and trusted fund management, AVCF ensures your gift is impactful and aligned with your goals.
Reflection of Your Values: Thoughtful philanthropy ensures your contributions align with your core values and leave a meaningful impact.
Ways to Give
No matter how big or small, your gift makes a difference. Explore the many ways you can support the Alberni Valley Community Foundation.
Past Grant Recipients

How to Get Started
- Making a Gift Today
The simplest way to make a gift to the Alberni Valley Community Foundation is by cheque or credit card. You may designate your gift to any of our funds or to a new fund of your own. All donations over $20 will receive a charitable tax receipt.
- Growing Your Fund
Your initial gift does not necessarily mark the end of the endowment building process. Many fund holders continue to contribute to their fund on a regular basis. Your endowment can provide a simple way to carry out your annual charitable donations. You can contribute to the fund at any time with gifts of cash or publicly listed securities. Contribute later with a gift by Will, a life insurance policy, retirement plan accumulations, tax free savings accounts or other property.
- Contact Us for More Information
Please contact us at info@albernifoundation.ca (or using the form below) for more information on how to move forward with a Legacy Gift to the Alberni Valley Community Foundation.
Why Consider Legacy Giving?
There are many reasons and yours will be unique to you.
Some people view it as an opportunity to give back to the community in return for the life it has afforded them; to thank the community that helped them succeed. Others give to ensure the things they care about are looked after; to support interests that have meaning to them such as social programs, education, the arts, or the environment.
Still others give to have an impact that lasts beyond their lifetime, often as a bursary or scholarship. To create a legacy that adds meaning to their lives, connects family generations, or memorializes a loved one.
In addition to the above reasons, charitable giving through your estate can provide significant tax savings.
Your giving reflects your values. The most rewarding philanthropy is thoughtful, strategic and impactful. In choosing how to leave your legacy gift, we encourage you to speak with us and your professional advisors to determine which option is best for you and your family. The Alberni Valley Community Foundation may be the right choice to ensure your objectives are met.
Why Choose the Alberni Valley Community Foundation?
By giving to the Alberni Valley Community Foundation, you can create or contribute to an
endowment, which is a permanent fund. This fund is invested with the Vancouver Foundation, and will grow and generate income over time. This enables local grants to be given to the most needful local charities annually…forever.
By connecting visionary donors with causes that truly matter, we are able to invest in people,
opportunities and solutions that make our community stronger - now and for the long-term.
Six Reasons to Choose AVCF for your Gift to Support our community
Locally the AVCF has worked hard to build a reputation for community leadership and success. By partnering with us, you get the benefit of an experienced, respected and flexible partner, committed to getting the most out of what you give. In addition, the AVCF is a member of the Community Foundations of Canada (CFC), a national organization that supports and connects over 200 Community Foundations across the country.
The AVCF has been helping people to achieve their philanthropic goals since 1996. Since inception the charitable gifts of our donors have been invested and as of 2025 this investment has grown to over $2.1 million in managed funds, with a record of steady returns. In addition, our Board’s collective experience regarding community needs is invaluable in helping you target your gift for the greatest and most lasting impact.
Over 90% of our endowment funds are professionally managed by the Vancouver Foundation which has over $2 billion in managed funds, and has a proven record of prudent investing and steady returns. This means that even small gifts have access to broad-based and astute investment management, and that they continue to grow. Combined with experienced foundation leadership and community board oversight, donors benefit from exceptional future management of their gifts. That is peace of mind.
We offer you many ways to leave a legacy. You can make a gift to the AVCF to benefit the Alberni Valley in general or to benefit a specific local causes you care about. This can be through a bequest, life insurance policy, gift of property or retirement plan accumulations. New funds can be structured in different ways, and you can determine how involved you want to be in the granting process. No matter your giving intentions, we offer a variety of simple, convenient ways to meet your goals. In choosing how to leave your legacy gift, we encourage you to speak with us and your professional advisors to determine which option is best for you and your family.
AVCF is a registered Canadian charity and is a member of Community Foundations of Canada. The Association is operated by an unpaid Board appointed by a committee of community leaders. The AVCF is volunteer driven with no paid staff or offices thus keeping administration costs to a minimum. This means your money supports grants and bursaries, and not salaries and overheads.
Local Impact
All of the funds dispersed annually by the AVCF go to local charities and non-profits. All sectors of the community are eligible to receive funding including, education, social services, children and youth, seniors, arts and culture. The Board of Directors* are recruited from a broad base of the community to ensure diverse perspectives of the community’s needs and priorities.
*The Board is appointed by committee made up of a cross section of the Community that includes the Mayor, the Director of North Island College, a Member of Nuu Chah Nulth Tribal Council, a Local Judge or Chair of the Bar Association and the President of the Labour Council.
Ways to Give with AVCF
Your gift can be as original as you are. It reflects your values and hopes for the community. That is why we offer a range of giving options to help you to give with confidence. You can start your own fund dedicated to a cause or social sector of your choice, or you may give to the general community fund to address the most pressing needs in the future. Another option is to create a bursary or scholarship which supports continuing education in our community and commemorates a loved-one, family, or an organization.
You can give now, or give later through your estate planning in the following ways:
- Bequests
Donors can designate a specific gift or a portion of their estate to the Foundation. Where you wish to restrict your gift to a particular purpose; your Will should include a direction that the gift is to be designated to your named fund at the AVCF. We will be pleased to work with you to create a fund that best meets your philanthropic intentions.
- Life Insurance
Life insurance allows you to make extraordinary gifts at a manageable cost. There are several options. You may purchase a new policy naming the Alberni Valley Community Foundation as the owner and irrevocable beneficiary of the policy. Or, you may transfer an existing policy to the AVCF. Another option is to simply name the AVCF as the beneficiary of your policy. There are different tax advantages for each of these options.
- Retirement Plans
You can designate the AVCF as a beneficiary of your Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) or Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF). These assets are highly taxed after the later of you or your spouse’s death. By donating a RRSP or RRIF, you will offset the tax that would otherwise be payable on these assets by your estate.
- Property, Cash or Securities
Gifts of real or tangible property such as real estate or art may be made directly or though a bequest in your will. Transfer may be made in various ways: outright, residual interest in it, or to fund a charitable remainder trust. We also welcome other gifts in a variety of forms, including cash and publicly traded securities. Board approval and independent appraisals may be required for some gifts. Charitable tax receipts will be issued based on such appraisals.
How to Get Started
- Making a Gift Today
The simplest way to make a gift to the Alberni Valley Community Foundation is by cheque or credit card. You may designate your gift to any of our funds or to a new fund of your own. All donations over $20 will receive a charitable tax receipt.
- Growing Your Fund
Your initial gift does not necessarily mark the end of the endowment building process. Many fund holders continue to contribute to their fund on a regular basis. Your endowment can provide a simple way to carry out your annual charitable donations. You can contribute to the fund at any time with gifts of cash or publicly listed securities. Contribute later with a gift by Will, a life insurance policy, retirement plan accumulations, tax free savings accounts or other property.
- Contact Us for More Information
Please contact us at info@albernifoundation.ca (or using the form below) for more information on how to move forward with a Legacy Gift to the Alberni Valley Community Foundation.